The Water that Purifies Us...

Let the waters settle, then you will see the stars and the moon mirrored in your being--- Rumi
TESTIMONIAL: We planned the shoot and location around my brand colors and vibe, then on the day she had a knack for helping me to feel comfortable and happy during the whole process! When I got my photos, the staging and composition of the photos was wonderful, but something in the editing process transferred funny over to my computer, Sarah was patient and understanding as I tried to explain what I could see (without an formal photography language) on my end and was able to send me another batch of photos at a perfect resolution for my printed marketing materials. As a complete bonus, she posted a few teaser photos with beautiful messages on Facebook - her writing fills my heart and added to the excitement and joy of the entire process. Can’t wait for my next shoot! --- Maddie Devlin, Maddie Elise Nutrition
We walked along the lake in the start of fall. The leaves were turning colour, the last of the purple plums were ripe and ready for the taking. The air was breezy and cool, cleansing away the heat of the summer sun and introducing a quieter more subtle energy of the season's in shift. What a day on the beach, soaking up the last of summer's expansion and welcoming in the reflective contemplation and turning inward that Fall Brings.